Discourse on True Mother's Revelations
Rev. Demian Dunkley takes us on a journey to discover the essence of True Mother’s teachings in this 10-part series. This series pulls from True Mother’s words, with additional commentary from Rev. Dunkley.
This lesson introduces the course and shares God’s essential characteristics.
This lesson dives into God’s original dream and how it has not been realized until now.
This lesson covers the Fall of humankind and recovering the foundation for True Parents.
This lesson covers the Only Begotten Daughter and Jesus’ mission.
This lesson covers the essence of Jesus and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
This lesson covers God’s search and protection of His Only Begotten Daughter.
This lesson covers challenges for True Parents and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
Lesson 8
This lesson covers True Parents and the wilderness era, and the expansion of their mission.
This lesson covers True Parents and the wilderness era, and the expansion of their mission.
Lesson 9
This lesson covers America’s responsibility and creating the environment for a heavenly world.
This lesson covers America’s responsibility and creating the environment for a heavenly world.
This lesson ends the course with an overview by Rev. Dunkley.
This lesson ends the course with an overview by Rev. Dunkley.
Meet your instructor
Rev. Demian Dunkley is the Regional President of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification North America. He has spent several years personally attending True Mother, listening and learning from her. His depth of heart as a filial son offers a unique insight into True Mother’s revelations since the passing of True Father in 2012. He is an experienced lecturer and pastor, having served in several public roles for the Unification movement for over a decade.
Yes, this course is a combination of True Mother’s direct words and Rev. Dunkley’s personal insights and notes.
Yes, this course is available to you at any time. You can do the course at your own pace.
You can contact our team at hello@familyfed.org. We will get back to you as soon as possible.